Thank you for your faithful attention to what I’ve shared for the past few years. I hope you’ve found my content engaging and helpful. As you are aware, I’ve reduced the frequency of my blogs from every week to 1-2 times/month. The reason has to do with my daily attendance on Google Plus, a social media site where people communicate on matters of common interest.
In November I began a tutorial on Google Plus under John Ellis, . Since then, by using Google Plus, I’ve engaged people from around the world on grief and loss, addiction recovery, and mental illness. I also post the blogs I write here, repost others’ blogs on G+ I think will interest my followers and others, and Plus other posts (same as a “Like” in Facebook). I have been very busy writing, commenting, inspiring, encouraging and supporting others through times of crisis. In time, I’ve built a following of over 1200 who receive any post I write.
I encourage you to join the Google Plus community. You just need to enter, then enter your email address. If you already use, that is your email address in Google Plus. If not, you’ll need to establish an @gmail address. Then add your password and you’re in business. I would welcome you to join G+ then add me to your “Circles” by “following” me.
This past week, I signed a contract with Believers Press of Colorado Springs, CO, to print my book, Tragedy Transformed: How Job’s Recovery Can Provide Hope For Yours. This has been eleven years in the making. I will soon post a Pledge Challenge on my Facebook page, encouraging those interested in this project to pray, purchase, and recommend the book to others when I launch it. I’m figuring 3-4 months from now for that launch, around the end of 2014. I’m now in the process of preparing my manuscript for BelieversPress editing.
Thanks, again, for your faithful support of this ministry of hope.